
Samara Hough

Meet Samara Hough, or SAM as she's known to her loved ones. She's a force to be reckoned with - gentle yet powerful, compassionate yet driven. Samara works in education, but her heart lies in therapy and mental health advocacy. She's a fierce advocate for women's rights and a devoted mother and wife.
If you ever need someone to break down a tough situation, Samara is your go-to girl. Her extensive knowledge in trauma and family dynamics is unparalleled, and she has a way of explaining things that makes them easy for everyone to understand.
But this amazing lady isn't all brains and knowledge - she's also one of the kindest souls you'll ever meet. With her passion for equality and her impressive leadership skills, we have no doubt she's making a huge difference in the world.
So if you're ever in need of a little help or inspiration, don't hesitate to reach out to Samara Hough. She'll be the gentle storm you need to weather any challenge.
